Guarantee scheme for leasing deals of small and medium-sized businesses
The National Guarantee Fund has concluded agreements under the first specialized leasing scheme, currently the only one on the market, with UniCredit Leasing, OTP Leasing and Eurobank Bulgaria for guarantees of leasing deals with SMEs.
The amount of the total guarantee portfolio is BGN 175.5 million, which will allow guarantees for new leasing deals at a total of BGN 315 million by the end of 2023.
Who can apply?
Small and medium-sized enterprises from various sectors registered in Bulgaria in accordance with the Commerce Act.
Purpose of the leasing agreements:
a) for purchasing of long-term tangible assets;
b) for purchasing of transport vehicles;
c) for purchasing of real estates;
What is the financing cap?
The guarantee limit for lessees and their affiliates is up to BGN 750 thousand.
What are the advantages of the program?
The advantages offered to lessees are lower deposit requirements, an opportunity for financing of more asset types, and lower deal prices.
Guarantee amount
The guarantee by the National Guarantee Fund (NGF) will cover up to 50% of the amount of loans granted to SMEs. The leased asset will serve as security.
Guarantee periods
The guarantee period shall be equal to the leasing period if the deadline of the lease is before 31 December 2028.
UniCredit Leasing, OTP Leasing and Eurobank Bulgaria